Benefits of Membership
Professionals working in all aspects of public health—from researchers to policy makers to service providers—will benefit from Network collaborations supporting survey projects and increasing availability of local level population data that is comparable across states.
Survey Leaders Benefit from Membership
- Access to valuable information from other survey leaders. Through listservs and annual meetings, members will have the opportunity to discuss current challenges and emerging trends in all aspects of their project—planning, funding, content, methodology, dissemination, etc.
- Survey resources for activities from development and implementation to sustainment and growth. The resources will be provided at annual meetings, through the Network website and communications. The Network will also provide news from existing surveys and information on advancements in population health surveys.
- Technical assistance for work on dissemination plans and ideas to help survey leaders maximize exposure of and access to survey data, boosting utility and use.
- Collective work on emerging trends in health survey content and methodology.
- Promotion of availability and use of population health data to many constituencies through the website and participation in industry conferences and events.
- A collective voice working to secure support for health surveys among national organizations and the federal government .
Welcomed Input from Data Users
Researchers, public health officials, advocates and policy makers—as well as the organizations that support the work of these groups—will benefit from participation in projects and discussions that advance the quality and availability of population health data that is comparable between local, state and national levels. Learn more by visiting: Welcome to Data Users and Benefits of the Network to Stakeholders.
Member Opportunities
Participation in Meetings/Work Groups
Recognized Affiliation
Promotion of survey summary information on the website